Can Tuberculosis be Diagnosed During a Dental

Can Tuberculosis be Diagnosed During a Dental

Can Tuberculosis be Diagnosed During a Dental Examination?

Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases known to humanity. This disease, which has ruined many lives since the past, continues to affect even today. Long ago, in ancient Greece, this disease was called "phthisis", meaning "exhaustion". Tuberculosis, a serious illness, is caused by the tubercle bacillus (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), which is very resistant to environmental influences.

The infection that causes tuberculosis occurs in two stages:

1) Inactive phase: At this stage, the infection enters the body and some of the bacteria are neutralized by the immune system, but the other part of the bacteria is captured by the immune cells that form tubercles. At this stage, the infection does not affect the body in any way.

2) Active phase: In this phase, when there is a certain trigger, mycobacteria leave the tubercles and invade the lungs and kidneys, etc. effects.

It is important to diagnose tuberculosis in the early stages. Because early diagnosis ensures that there are no long-term effects and complications and a better chance for recovery.
How does tuberculosis disease occur in the early stages and how can a dentist diagnose this disease during a dental examination? To answer this question, the following explanation must be examined.

The main diagnostic sign of tuberculosis in the oral cavity is soft nodules called "lupomas", which are yellow in color and have the shape of a lump with a diameter of 1-3 mm. Lupomas form groups and generally tend to coalesce. Another characteristic sign is a yellow plaque covering the upper parts of the lesions.

"Apple jelly" sign: During a dental examination, one easily performed method of diagnosing tuberculosis is to press a sterile glass slide onto the affected area. As a result, lupomas stand out against the pale background and appear as yellow nodules that resemble apple jelly.

Pospelov phenomenon: A lupoma is probed with a special instrument, and the specific symptom of a tuberculous lesion occurs when the instrument sinks into the lupoma.

Cluster of hardened lymph nodes: Diagnosing tuberculosis in its early stages will not only help the patient obtain professional advice and referral to a tuberculosis specialist, but will also protect the patient from long-term side effects.

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